If your resume is 3-15 pages long it could be thrown out just for demanding too much of their time.
Candidates who drone on and on in a 10-page resume may be seen as someone who talks too much, takes too long, and/or can’t distinguish between things that matter and things that don’t. Organizations don’t want employees who waste resources, time, or materials.
Work hard to boil your resume down to the essential skills and talents that will give you an advantage in your industry. HR managers want to quickly find the best match for the position they’re hiring for. They don’t want to waste time trying to connect the dots between the skills you show in one section and your work history in another.
One thing that makes resumes too long is extensive fancy formatting. Gimmicks will make your resume stand out, but for the wrong reason. A basic format should have the summary at the top, followed by a bulleted skill section, work history below that, and education at the bottom. Unless you work for NASA, this should all fit on one or two pages.