Ryan Buxbaum, President, and Danessa Maynard, COO of Next One Staffing chat with KSRO’s Michelle Marques about the pitfalls of accepting a counteroffer from your current employer. Changing jobs can be very stressful and there is a temptation to stay where you are, especially if you can show your current boss that someone else is interested and wants to pay you more. However, increased pay doesn’t solve the underlying issues you have at your current job. If management at your current job is a nightmare, they will still be a nightmare even if you get more money. The new company believes in you enough to take the time to find you, and pick you out of all the candidates they interviewed. They want to train you, pay you more money, and see you succeed. And if you do accept a counter offer, you now have a boss who knows you’ve been looking elsewhere and they are more likely to let you go as soon as they have found another person who will do the job for less.
Reach out to Next One Staffing to help with your executive search or next key hire at nextonestaffing.com
Why Candidates Ghost Employers—And How to Prevent It
Ghosting—when candidates suddenly stop responding during the hiring process—has become a common frustration for employers.